Wild boar trained as a pilot by rhinoceros when flying up 4m


As Wild boar approached the rhino’s meal, the wild boar was sent flying into the sky and had a painful landing.
A terrifying video of a wild boar being punished by a rhinoceros for daring to compete for its food surprised viewers with the rhino’s ferocious attitude.

The video begins with a scene of a rhinoceros enjoying a haystack, when suddenly two wild boars come over to compete for a meal.
The rhinoceros immediately expressed its displeasure by pointing its horn towards the “backward”. But the pig ignored this warning, and calmly grazed as usual.
In an unexpected move, the rhinoceros lowered its head, then used its horns to knock the poor animal into the air about 4 meters, and then fell to the ground painfully.


It can be seen that despite possessing a rather gentle appearance, in fact the black rhinoceros is listed among the most a.g.g.r.essive animals in the world.
According to scientists, part of the reason why black rhinos are so dangerous is because they have very poor eyesight. This makes it almost impossible for rhinos to distinguish threats and opponents, but simply attack anything that comes close and makes them feel dangerous .


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