With intelligence and agility, birds can catch fatty fish with just a small piece of bread


As most avid fisherman will tell you, you’ve got to use the right bait to attract the big fish.
While a seagull might happily feast on a proffered chunk of bread, a green heron knows exactly how to turn that bread into a fish supper.

A fascinating video of the heron’s antics shows the bird dropping the bread in the water to lure a fish.
Drawing the fish ever closer but never losing his bait, the heron skillfully hunts its prey.

After just two minutes of dropping the bread into the water, temptin the fish closer and then retrieving it, the heron makes a grab at the water with its beak.
The catch of the day is a huge fish almost as big as the bird.


In less than a minute, the heron caught dinner.
Satisfied with its catch, the heron stalks off to dine with the wriggling fish clutched firmly in its beak.
This green heron’s fishing methods, while impressive, are not unusual.



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