The hyena proudly invites each other to attack the honey badger and the end is fatally bitten by the honey badger


The hungry hyenas came across a small honey badger while engrossed in their search for food. The honey badger is not the desired prey, but the hungry hyenas still decide to attack. They rushed at the small animal all at once.

After taking a few steps back, the honey badger began to respond with lightning attacks. One by one the hyenas were bitten with painful stings. Realizing that the honey badger was a tough prey, the hyenas backed away. But hunger makes it impossible for them to give up their prey so easily.


The hyenas continue to attack their prey. However, this time they not only could not touch the honey badger, but also received painful bites. Finally, the herd attack ended when the hyenas not only failed to hunt, but also received injuries.


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