Thanks to 500 fellow brothers who came to rescue the wild buffalo from the lion’s death clutches in a spectacular way


This incredible scene was recorded by tourists at Kruger National Park in South Africa. Specifically, a lone buffalo is surrounded by hungry lions and then rushes to attack. When two lionesses bit them on the leg, the buffalo immediately protested fiercely. However, being alone, the buffalo quickly surrendered and was knocked to the ground.

Thought the war was over, suddenly other buffaloes in the herd appeared. 2 of them rushed to ram the predators and rescue their fellow humans. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the buffalo tried to stand up and run away.

The African buffalo, also known as the Cape buffalo, is one of the Big Five, along with the lion, leopard, rhinoceros and elephant. This buffalo can weigh 1,000 kg.


With its large body, the African buffalo is considered a solid tank capable of knocking all enemies away with its sharp horns.

All encounters in life are due to fate. Regardless of whether it is sooner or later, it is always the right time, no need to work hard, no need to force.

Fate is something very strange, no one can really articulate it. It is possible to accidentally know each other but understand each other. They can be in harmony with each other, but they cannot be together. If you do not intentionally pursue it, you will have it, if you leave your mind to try to find it, it will not work.


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