To protect the mad mother elephant, she used her sharp tusk to kill the hungry lions


In the grasslands of Africa, lions are among the top of the food chain. With their superior strength and herd hunting habits, they are enough to kill many other large animals for food.

However, lions are not always successful when hunting. If faced with large prey such as rhinoceros, buffalo or hippo and especially elephants, failure is always inevitable.

In the video, a baby elephant has become the target of this hunt by the lions. It is difficult to keep up with the speed of the herd, but if you fall behind, the baby elephant will become a good prey for the lion.

Now they try to follow, waiting for an opportunity to attack. The baby elephant and the mother of the pack are separated from the herd, this is the right time for the lions to hunt, but the mother should not be mad and panic, because then it will be in danger for the predators.

At this time, the baby elephant always follows the mother, it is always in the middle of the mother’s feet. The lions could not find any opportunity to attack. they are always blocked by this devoted mother. In the end the lions had to give up.


Elephants are mammals of the family Elephantidae and are the largest land animals today. Three species are currently recognised: the African prairie elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. Elephantidae is the only surviving clade of the order Proboscidea; Extinct members include mastodons. Elephantidae also includes several now-extinct groups, including mammoths and straight-tusked elephants. African elephants have large ears and a concave back while Asian elephants have small ears and a convex or horizontal back. Distinctive features of all elephants include a long trunk, large tusks, large ear flaps, large four legs, and thick but sensitive skin. Elephant trunks are used for breathing, putting food and water in the mouth, and holding objects. The tusks, which evolved from the incisors, are used by elephants to defend themselves, move obstacles, and dig holes. Large ears help elephants maintain a stable body temperature and communicate. Their legs are as big as pillars to support heavy loads.


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