Elephants and Hippos Interrupt 3 Male Lions Attacking Another Lion


The intensity of lion dynamics in the African wilderness is unparalleled. This movie demonstrates what happens when young male migratory lions venture into uncharted area.

On July 18, Steyn Jacobsohn, 27, the proprietor of South Post Lodge, observed a remarkable struggle for life in the Mjejane Game Reserve. This approximately three-hour long demonstration of “survival of the fittest” continued! 3 Lions were engaging in a battle to exterminate trespassers by assaulting one male lion!

When we met up with Steyn, he told LatestSightings.com about his encounter: “I began a drive with visitors and had a report of three large male lions wandering on the road. I responded to them and got them on the road walking in front of our Open Safari Vehicle. They vanished fast, but we were able to find them near the dam where they were busy drinking. From there, they were back up and roaming around, marking their territory, so I informed my visitors that the lions were seeking for something, possibly another lion in their territory, rather than food.

“We moved on to the coffee shop since I was confident that this was the greatest sighting we would get for the day. Then, everything went to hell! We observed three large male lions chasing a young male while drinking coffee, and as they continued their pursuit through an elephant herd, we could see that the situation was becoming more heated. The lions broke through a gap and split off into their own distinct paths, startling the elephants who in response began after them.


“After being silent for about five minutes, a large battle broke out between the two male lions just across from us, on the other side of the dam. The three adult males continued to attack the young guy, who was already hurt and exhausted, with bites and claws for over three hours in total. Every time the three male lions returned, the elephants and hippos made an effort to drive them away, almost as if they were trying to save the young boy from a tragic fate. The older men came back one last time, finished the task, and then permanently left, which was unfortunate for the young men.

The young male lion suffered severe injuries, including a shattered back, and eventually passed away from his wounds. The vultures later arrived, and he became their dinner.

“Seeing the lion’s power and realizing how fearless they are made us all feel happy and sad at the same time. It’s not always clear how wild it can get out in the bushveld until something like this occurs, so this was a first for me.


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