The lion shows the bravery of a king when he rushes to the five leopards to steal the impala they just hunted


Cheetahs are amazing hunters; they are excellent predators thanks to their speed and stealth, and they have highly developed tactical and strategic hunting abilities. So the meal is a delicious reward when they make a kill. But cheetahs don’t mind occasionally losing a meal to a different predator when the decision is between feeding their cubs or ensuring the survival of their young.

On December 17, 2018, 32-year-old sales representative Danie Bester and his family observed the breathtaking sighting of cheetahs with a kill while on a full-day self-drive in the Kruger National Park. They were making their way back to the gate from Crocodile Bridge.

Cheetahs are amazing hunters; they are excellent predators thanks to their speed and stealth, and they have highly developed tactical and strategic hunting abilities. So the meal is a delicious reward when they make a kill. But cheetahs don’t mind occasionally losing a meal to a different predator when the decision is between feeding their cubs or ensuring the survival of their young.

On December 17, 2018, 32-year-old sales representative Danie Bester and his family observed the breathtaking sighting of cheetahs with a kill while on a full-day self-drive in the Kruger National Park. They were making their way back to the gate from Crocodile Bridge.

When I detected a shift in the Supermom’s behavior while we were shooting pictures of the encounter, I turned to hunt for the danger. I could make out a lioness, also known as one of the Vurhami lionesses, approaching the cheetahs in the distance. She was clearly aware of the recent death. As the lioness continued to draw nearer, the situation became tense. The Sub-adult cubs had already fled by this point, but the Supermom continued to hold her ground until she eventually retreated behind some dead trees while keeping a watchful eye on the oncoming lioness.​


“We waited and watched as the Supermom Cheetah fled as the lioness rapidly and unexpectedly grabbed the prey and headed back in the direction from which she had come. While the lioness was gone, I made the decision to go and find the cubs. I was able to find them near the road in a thicket, where the mother had been reunited with her cubs and they were all in good health. What a wonderful sight to witness such a friendship.

“I have the great opportunity of visiting the Kruger frequently, and each of these sightings is different. You will never experience the same emotions and excitement for a sighting, and it’s difficult to adequately articulate how you feel during a sighting like this. Try to soak it all in. You never know if or when you’ll have another chance to view anything this uncommon.


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