The power of fellows 1000 wild buffalo brothers gathered to stab the lion to save their desperate fellow


In fact, buffalo is not an easy creature to bully in Africa. If a lion hunts alone and subjectively, it is completely possible to be seriously injured, even die.

Therefore, when hunting wild buffalo, lions often follow the herd, choosing the lone, or weakest one to be easily slaughtered. However, if the buffalo herd gathered together to protest, things would become much more difficult.

A clip has attracted many viewers about a herd of wild buffalo calling for their fellow humans to rush to the lions to rescue the dying buffalo.

Specifically, in the video, a wild buffalo is surrounded by lions and gently knocked down, they press the buffalo to the ground and prepare to finish it with a fatal bite.

However, before killing the buffalo, the buffalo suddenly appeared in time. The leader buffalo rushed up like lightning, rammed the lion into the sky, then the buffaloes also came to the rescue.


Before the large number of lions, the buffalo showed no fear, but used its sharp horns to knock the predator away.

At the same time, other buffaloes in the herd also ran to help, causing the lions to panic and run away. The poor buffalo, even though part of its abdomen was torn off, still managed to get up and move towards its herd.

Thanks to the timely help of their fellows, the wild buffalo was lucky to escape death. However, with the severe wounds inflicted by the lions, it was unlikely to survive.


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