With a cold bite of the komodo dragon, it takes down an adult buffalo in a single note


Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world today with an average length of 2-3m. Because of the biological features that only allow Komodo to live in Indonesia, we cannot find this precious animal anywhere on Earth. According to scientists, Komodo dragons are closely related to dinosaurs that went extinct millions of years ago.

The most powerful weapon of the komodo dragon is the extremely strong jaws and the drool of many infectious bacteria. The saliva of the komodo dragon is like a poisonous substance with many dangerous bacteria that quickly deplete the prey.


After the prey is bitten by the komodo dragon, it will gradually become exhausted and die. Even large animals such as goats, wild buffaloes, and boars are easily defeated by komodo dragons.

As a fierce carnivore, the Komodo dragon “owns” extremely strong jaws, serrated teeth like shark teeth; In particular, this “descendant of dinosaurs” is extremely “vital”. Their food is also extremely rich, mainly insects, wild boars, small deer… Sometimes, Komodo dragons even eat their own kind if no prey is found.


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