In order to avenge the newborn baby kidnapped by leopards, the buffalo rushed to pierce the heart, not giving it a chance to live.


Leopards are the animals with the highest success rate of hunting in the big cat family. Despite its modest size compared to other big cats in the family, leopards are gifted with agility and the ability to climb very well.

However, when confronting wild buffalo, it is afraid of the sharp horns of adult buffaloes. It only dares to attack calves.

A leopard hiding in the bushes suddenly rushed out into the middle of the road and grabbed the baby buffalo right in front of the car.

When seeing the young being attacked by the enemy, the adult buffaloes immediately rushed forward, ramming the leopard to prevent it from eating the baby buffalo.


Initially, the hunter was still determined to grab the prey’s neck. However, after a while of struggle, the leopard had to let go of the young buffalo and climb up the tree to avoid the chase of the buffalo herd.

Having narrowly escaped death, the young wild buffalo was still shocked and did not know what happened and was fortunate to be comforted and surrounded by the herd


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