Nyala Bull’s Heroic Stand: Defeating 3 Cheetahs and Evading Capture in a Daring Display


The video is quite interesting recorded by tourists while visiting the reserve in South Africa. A Nyala antelope was surrounded by up to 3 cheetahs, facing the difficult situation of “we are few” to fight fairly, the male antelope made an extremely smart decision to escape death.

Taking advantage of the terrain behind the bush is thick, it has made the strategy of encircling and attacking the rear of the cheetah bankrupt.


Moreover, standing against the bushes helped it to fight with all its heart in the front without worrying about ambushes, and then chased away the fearsome and hungry enemy in front of it.

In the end, the three cheetahs failed to do anything, so the nyala had to go elsewhere to find new prey.


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