“Teamwork at Its Finest: Lion Pride Resolutely Extracts a Hippopotamus from Its Hideout”


SOUTH AFRICA Although quickly ran away when he discovered 3 lions, the humpback pig was still caught by them at the cave entrance, pulled out and knocked down.

A group of visitors, including Juan Pinto, followed the tracks on the dry river bed and discovered three lions walking in the Thornybush reserve, South Africa, Latest Sightings reported on May 20. The lions suddenly encountered a humped pig. It also saw predators and quickly ran back to its den next to an abandoned termite mound.

When humpbacks feel threatened, they will run into the burrow for cover and retreat back into the burrow. These are underground houses that they dug themselves. The cave has a small entrance, making it difficult for larger predators to get inside. The guinea pig waits for the danger to pass, then steps out again.

“The lions gave chase and made it to the den to grab the humped boar that was going down. They grabbed hold of the boar’s head and started a struggle. The three lions tried their best to hold on and hope to pull the animal. big come out of the cave,” Pinto recounts.


“The battle lasted only a few minutes. The normally peaceful and quiet bush became agitated with the pitiful cries of the humped boar. Fighting for its life, it struggled to escape the lions to get deeper in. burrow and beyond their reach,” Pinto added.

Unfortunately for the hump, the lions managed to pull it out. In just a few seconds, the predators collectively killed the animal. The cries suddenly stopped and the bushes quickly returned to their original quiet state, Jinto described.

The African lion (Panthera leo) is the only cat in the world that lives in groups. Male lions guard the territory of the herd and females are the main hunters. Lions are extremely powerful with strong jaws, sharp teeth and a solid body. They can overpower larger prey with their hunting skills. Their prey includes antelope, zebra, wildebeest and many other animals.


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