Deadly Justice: The Wildebeest’s Ruthless Strike to Avenge the Child


Wildebeest is a special animal because of its strange shape, combining the head and horns of an ox, a horse’s tail with a highlight of its long black fur. However, they are also always the favorite prey of bloodthirsty predators.

In the video, a mother and baby wildebeest are walking in the grasslands when they catch the eye of a nearby leopard. With adeptness drawn from many years of hunting experience, the leopard slowly crept through the bushes, close to its prey. Fortunately for the leopard, there is a natural trench in the ground between it and the wildebeest pair so it is easy, quick and difficult to detect. When approaching prey, leopards just need to wait for the moment when the antelope herd is caught off guard, it will use powerful weapons of speed and sharp claws to knock it down. The next development took place almost exactly according to the scenario that the leopard had outlined.


When the time came, it suddenly attacked, choosing the right target, the smaller wildebeest, to strike. However, what was beyond the hunter’s expectations was the sacred and noble affection of a mother for her own flesh and blood. That has created the absolute strength for the mother wildebeest, making it no longer afraid of any force, despite the danger to rush towards the hunter and use sharp horns, which can be longer. 60 cm to attack leopards. Before the fierce attack of the wildebeest, the leopard had no choice but to “ride on its head” and run away. After successfully repelling the enemy, the mother antelope immediately returned to comfort the young that nearly lost her life.

The video that recreated the fierce and dramatic melee between leopards and wildebeest attracted more than 600 views and 17 comments. There is nothing like the immense love of a mother for her child.



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