A Test of Motherly Love: Oryx’s Heartbreaking Inability to Defend Its Young from a Stray Dog


An ORYX just went through an intense battle with a pack of wild dogs and the prize is a newborn oryx. But unfortunately, oryx failed miserably and the newborn oryx quickly fell into the hands of wild dogs.

The moment of the battle was transmitted on Youtube and attracted a lot of comments from viewers. Although the video has just been posted, it has already received more than 20k views.

Oryx with its newborn is in a siege of wild dogs and its baby is unable to run away. A war with no escape route.

Oryx started to get mad and attacked the wild dogs around. But wild dogs are very numerous and very intelligent, they in turn attack the newborn oryx from 4 directions.

Oryx with too long horns continuously launched attacks, powerful butts towards the enemy. But the horn could not touch the wild dog.

Oryx is weak and helpless because his attacks are not dangerous, the pack of wild dogs is numerous and performs its offense quickly.

It quickly resolved the infant oryx and forced the mother oryx to give up. The wild dogs then enjoy the party together.


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