Confronting the Intruder: Gorilla’s Bold Action of Striking Lion’s Head in the Face of Violation


The baboons’ enemies are Nile crocodiles, big cats like Lions, Cheetahs and even hyenas. However, they are considered a difficult prey for jaguars, mostly a threat to baby monkeys.
In the wild, an adult baboon can be up to 1.2m long and weigh more than 40kg. In additi on, this is also one of the most agile, alert and aggressive animals on the grasslands of Africa. Therefore, they rarely become the prey of lions.


However, when hunger reached its peak, the lions were ready to hunt baboons to solve the problem.

Baboons are not the lion’s favorite prey.

However, with their terrible food, one baboon is not enough to feed the whole pack. Therefore, big cats need to hunt larger prey to satisfy their hunger.


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