Predator’s Breakfast: Lion’s Brutal Conquest Claims the Life of the Unfortunate Zebra


This was an unpleasant moment for the lion. From the start, it was unable to change its decision. Once she jumped on the back of the zebra, the lioness had only two options, either quickly finishing her prey or possibly suffering serious injuries.

Zebras are herbivores but are relatively large in size, can weigh from 300-350kg. In addition, they also possess strong legs and deadly kicks.

Once the lion has climbed onto the back of the zebra, it must be sure not to fall or fall behind because its prey when cornered will do everything, even counterattack fiercely to find the right. living.

In the past, there have been many cases of lions being seriously injured when hunting zebras due to strong back kicks to the head and abdomen. In the situation below, the lioness also received a hit on the horse, but her reaction was very different.


The lion understands that, if successful, it will have a full and nutritious meal from nearly 300kg of zebra meat, but to defeat such a large and strong prey is not easy. Normally, the whole herd of lions hunting together has many difficulties, not to mention our “hunter” is alone.

However, its efforts overcame the pain to be able to knock the zebra to the ground. And the images below were taken by photographer Clement Kiragu, 36 years old, in Masai Mara National Park, Kenya.


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