“The Price of Arrogance: Hippo’s Bitter Fate for Despising the Power of the Lion”


Have you ever wondered if a hippopotamus is more afraid of crocodiles or more afraid of lions? Today I will tell you the correct answer with a great video on Youtube.

In the wild, there are very few images of crocodiles eating hippos, but conversely, lions eating hippos are very common. An adult hippo is not afraid of crocodiles.

An underwater battle with crocodiles is an extremely easy battle. But a battle with a lion on land is a huge challenge for hippos.

A great video demonstrates hippo’s fear of lions when a lion is trying to hunt a hippo.


In the video the lion ambushes in a lawn and waits for the opportunity to attack the hippo by surprise. But the plan was soon revealed and the hippo was prepared.

But thanks to his top-notch hunting skills, the lion has also defeated the hippo in a surprising way and in the wild it is rare for a lion to defeat a hippo.

The lion fell on top of the hippo and finished off the hippo with deadly bites.


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