Game of Wits: Wild Dog’s Tactical Brilliance Thwarts Lion’s Deadly Ambush


This inconceivable moment unravels as a pack of wild dogs gang up on a female lion to save their pack member! The dog caught by the lioness also deserves an Oscar for its performance after faking its death.

This amazing sighting took place at Duba Explorers Camp in the Okavanga Delta in Botswana.

A lioness is trying to hunt alone, it walks slowly and hides in the grass. Its prey today is a wild dog engrossed in lunch with its pack.

The whole herd of wild dogs had 11 cubs and no one noticed the lion coming very close. The lion wa its for an opportunity and attacks, the attack quickly ending when it catches a wild dog with ease.


The wild dog was clamped by the lion’s neck and could not run away, its life was almost over. The remaining wild dogs tried to surround the lion to wait for the opportunity to save the unlucky wild dog.

The wild dog in the lion’s mouth did not respond anymore and the lion decided to remove it from the mouth to continue hunting another wild dog. But it was tricked because the wild dog jumped up and ran away immediately.

The lion was angry and tried to catch another wild dog but his chance was lost. This wild moment filled other travelers with surprise.


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