“Death in the Blink of an Eye: The Intense Moment When the Lion Claims a Wildebeest’s Life”


These action-packed shots highlight the sheer strength of the mighty beast as he is pictured pouncing on the vulnerable wildebeest before slaughtering it in less than a minute.

The action was shot in the Maasai Mara, a large game reserve in Kenya, by photographer Aditya Singh, who lives in Rajasthan, India.

A limping wildebeest was moving into the exact area where two aggressive lions were resting, noticing the injured prey, the lion took the opportunity to have a full meal.


The lion quickly lunged forward from his powerful front paws, grabbed the wildebeest by the neck and grabbed it.

In less than two seconds, the lion had clamped the death wildebeest by the neck and was dragging its prey to the ground. For the next 20 seconds, the wildebeest tried to break free and then gave up.


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