Arctic Predatory Drama: Polar Bears and Underwater Seals Engage in a Fight for Food Supremacy


The polar bear is famous for its slow speed and snow-white fur, but it is not slow when it comes to hunting. They must store enough excess fat to have a perfect hibernation period.

Polar bears will be king of the wild here because of their excellent hunting ability both on land and in water.

A viral YouTube video will help you realize the polar bear’s great agility and hunting skills. The video is being viewed more than 26m along with countless surprised comments from the audience.

Seals have always been a polar bear’s favorite food and it often hunts in a variety of ways, but this video is a basic polar bear hunt.

With snow-white fur and excellent swimming ability, polar bears hide under the snow and swim behind the seals lying in the sun on an iceberg.


After reaching their prey undetected, the polar bear waits for an opportunity to strike. The prey then discovered the danger and ran quickly into the sea, but the polar bear did not give up and launched an underwater siege.

After a short time, the polar bear grabbed the large seal that had just escaped and returned to shore with a delicious meal. Polar bears often finish their prey with a dangerous bite to the head of their opponent.

This moment is a basic polar bear hunting moment but still shows the full range of polar bear hunting skills and received over 12k comments from the audience.


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