Breathless Finale: Man’s Debut Python Act Comes to an Abrupt End with His Collapse from Suffocation


While performing the performance, the man was suddenly strangled by the python until he fell to the ground.

The incident happened in Maunath Bhanjan City, Uttar Pradesh state, India.

In the clip, a man is wrapping a python around his neck and performing a stunt. However, just a few seconds later, the animal suddenly attacked and squeezed the man’s neck. The man then collapsed onto the stage and struggled to get free.

Witnessing the incident, the audience thought it was part of the performance. It took a while before everyone noticed trouble and stepped in. The man was immediately taken to the hospital and fortunately was not killed.

This giant python is believed to be a brocade python, they can reach more than 10 meters in length and are very strong. They attack by stalking their prey, wrapping their bodies tightly around their prey and squeezing tighter as the victim exhales. Spotted pythons kill their prey by suffocation or cardiac arrest in just a few minutes.


The python swallows the whole food. Their jaws are connected by very flexible ligaments, allowing them to grab large prey.

For a long time, many people still thought that pythons kill their prey by suffocating, causing the victim to suffocate and die.

Although pythons rarely attack people, if they are agitated, scared or mistakenly believe that human limbs are food, they can bite and squeeze their owners.

Although not venomous, the bite of large pythons is also very serious, sometimes the bite is so large that it requires stitches. There have been a number of cases where pythons in the wild and in captivity have attacked, killed, and even eaten their victims.


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