Fatal Matchup: Rat’s Life Tragically Cut Short after Provoking a Fateful Clash with a Rooster


As we grow more and more and have a lot of games to forget the sadness without paying attention to the things around.

A mouse has created a video that is extremely attractive and pleases all viewers after trying to challenge a rooster.

The video was filmed in the backyard of a house when a rooster was trying to find leftover food in the backyard area.

A rat gradually appeared and approached the rooster, followed by provocative actions from the rat.

The rat jumped up to perform kicks imitating the chicken and this time the chicken couldn’t stand to watch. The chicken began to attack again, after a series of back-and-forth attacks between the mouse and the chicken, the mouse was officially defeated.


The rat had no chance to correct the mistake after the fight, the blood had flowed and its life was over. The video not only brought surprises but also brought laughter to the audience with some laughable mouse behavior.


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