Predators Collide: Crocodile and Fisherman Engage in an Intense Conflict over Sharks as a Savory Meal


A jaw-dropping footage has captured a crocodileing a shark off a snatcher’s line just moments after catching it.

The wonderful video recorded and uploaded to youtube has attracted a lot of attention from the audience and has more than 1m views.

A person like the people has been working very hard to go fishing and waiting for a certain fish to be trapped, they finally caught a small shark and are trying to fight it to bring it to the surface.

The fisherman was having fun because he was about to defeat the shark when a hungry alligator quickly joined the robbery. It bit into the shark’s body and tried to run away from the fisherman’s fishing rod.


The fisherman decided to fight the crocodile but the truth was that they failed and had to give the shark to the crocodile’s meal.

The crocodile was quite large and strong, then it swam to the other side away from the boat to enjoy a rare meal of shark meat.


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