“A Mother’s Last Stand: Brave Buffalo Challenges Four Male Lions to Protect Her Young”


In this scene we see a family of buffalo standing in an open field near a river, the angle of view can see many lions looking at the young buffalo.

At this time, there was a male lion approaching the water buffaloes, it seemed that they did not know so they still did not move away. It wasn’t until the chiseled lion got very close that they started to run away.

The mother buffalo stopped to block the male lion’s way to let her son run away, it was very determined to protect her baby.

but at this time appeared other lions to block the head and catch the young buffalo.


once again the mother buffalo came back to help her baby but the bed looked like it couldn’t get up and move, the 4 brave lions were determined to get this prey so it didn’t back down from the aggression of its cubs. The mother buffalo that comes forward to confront it causes the mother buffalo to step back and leave her child to the cruel predator.

In the end, the mother buffalo was helpless to see her baby being eaten by the lions and could not do anything.


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