A Shoulder to Lean On: Ostrich Supports and Nurtures Orphaned Elephant in Difficult Times


When he was just one month old, a baby elephant by the name of Jotto became separated from his herd and fell into a well. After he was rescued, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust sent him to a Kᴇɴʏᴀn elephant orphanage so that he could recover until he was ready to go back to the wild.

Although there were several elephants in the shelter, the rescuers had no idea that Jotto would end up best friends with… an ostrich named Pea! Pea enjoys caring for little baby elephants and frequently provides lengthy cuddle and play sessions for the youngsters. She acts as a loving mother to her offspring and envelops them in her wings.


When staff members went to save a young elephant in 2014, they also discovered Pea and her ostrich brother Pod in need of assistance. They were brought to the sanctuary for elephants. Pea is staying with the elephants and feeling completely at home, whereas Pod has left and joined the wild ostriches.

Little Jotto is more than pleased to cuddle with his feathered pal, Pea, who is an orphaned ostrich who most definitely thinks she is a member of the elephant herd.

This week, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust wrote “Beautiful tender moments at the Nairobi Nursery, where many other orphans, including these two, are receiving the chance to recover and eventually return to the wild.”


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