Triumph of Intelligence: Monkey’s Quick Wit Saves Rat from the Clutches of the Attacking Snake


According to the study, humans should not and should not be allowed to interfere in relationships in nature, except in some special cases regarding the survival of a species. However, in most cases, the above theory is applied so that humans do not participate in the hunting process of a certain species in the wild.


So are these monkeys. He was swinging in a tree when he spotted a snake marching to the base of the tree. Inherently, this snake is not large, so the monkeys do not have to fear and do not care much about the opponent. And the target of the snake is not the monkeys either, but the rat making burrows in the stumps.

The monkeys were probably sympathetic or pitying, it very quickly rushed down to the snake, as soon as the snake wanted to attack the rat, a monkey was quicker and grabbed the rat and dragged it away, avoiding the attack. The movements of the monkeys were so fast that the snake did not have time to react, as if watching the prey being carried away.


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