Together Against All Odds: Male Buffalo Overjoyed as Female Comes to His Rescue, Defeating Lions


This scene was recorded by guide Jonty Bozas in the Mala Mala nature reserve, South Africa.

During the tour, Jonty Bozas and other tourists encountered a herd of 9 lions stalking a herd of buffalo. After 4 hours of active hunting, they were able to separate a buffalo from the herd.

At this time, 2 lions hang on the back, 3 others cling to the hind legs of the prey. Meanwhile, the remaining members stood outside waiting to rush in to finish off the buffalo.

Despite its best efforts to protect itself, the wild buffalo still could not resist the hungry predators. At the most critical moment, the other buffaloes in the herd heard the cries of their fellows and immediately rushed over.

When one lion was knocked to the ground, the other lions immediately let go of their prey and ran away. Fortunately, thanks to the timely rescue of his fellow humans, the buffalo escaped death.


In the clip, an adult African buffalo is being knocked down by a herd of lions and is about to be eaten. Discovering that his fellow was in trouble, a wild buffalo immediately rushed to the rescue.

Before the large number of lions, the buffalo showed no fear, but used its sharp horns to knock the predator away. At the same time, other buffaloes in the herd also ran to help, causing the lions to panic and run away. The poor buffalo, even though part of its abdomen was torn off, still managed to get up and move towards its herd.

Thanks to the timely help of their fellows, the wild buffalo was lucky to escape death. However, with the severe wounds inflicted by the lions, it was unlikely to survive.


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