The Price of Innocence: Mother Wildebeest’s Life Claimed, Baby Left to Brave the African Savanna


When the dry season comes, wildebeest have to struggle to find food and water, so the gazelles have to move to other areas to live.

Lions made good use of the opportunity that the antelopes migrated to attack their prey, because by this time the prey was tired and exhausted from the hungry and thirsty.

Immediately a mother wildebeest was easily defeated by the mighty lion. When the mother wildebeest was caught by the lion, the baby wildebeest refused to leave and stayed close to its mother.


But fortunately for the wildebeest, the lion did not harm it. Because the 2 lions are engrossed in the spoils that they have just earned.

But when alone with no one to protect it, it is also very dangerous, because in the wild many predators are waiting for it.


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