The Bengal tiger lies motionless, pretending to be dead, causing the dog to get caught in a trap and have to die before a cunning predator


The Bengal tiger has been listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2008, and is estimated to have fewer than 2,500 individuals in 2011. They are critically endangered by poaching and habitat fragmentation. living school.

Despite its large size, the Bengal tiger is an extremely agile and cunning species. They can climb trees, swim quite well, and know how to use many ways to ambush their prey, from taking advantage of dense bushes, to lying dead, causing the prey to catch off guard and then suddenly attack.

A video recorded in Ranthambore National Park, India shows a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) lying dead to fool a stray dog passing by.


In the video, it can be seen that the dog, unaware of the potential danger, casually walked over to the side of the tiger lying with its legs stretched out, completely motionless.

Suddenly, the tiger stood up, jumped forward and quickly overpowered the dog with a single pounce. Then, the tiger stuck its teeth into the poor animal’s neck, causing it to die in a moment.

Normally, the favorite food of the Bengal tiger is wild boar, spotted deer, antelope, wild buffalo… However, due to the narrow habitat, livestock and poultry species also easily become targets. attack tigers if they have a chance to do so.


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