Horned Confrontation: Lion’s Painful Defeat as Antelope’s Gigantic Horns Become Trapped in its Wounded Body


In the Serengeti grasslands, lions are known to be one of the most feared predators. With their superior strength, they can kill many large animals such as antelopes, zebras and even elephants, buffaloes, hippos… for food.

However, when they are not experienced enough to hunt and lack determination, young lions are very likely to fail when hunting, especially when faced with dangerous animals such as antelope. Arabic straight.

Despite facing 2 lions, but thanks to long sharp horns and recklessness, the Arabian straight-horned antelope created a spectacular escape from death.

Specifically, 2 immature lions hunt antelope with long horns like a sword. 2 lions are still young experienced, they ambush nearby and wait for an opportunity to attack.


After waiting for a while, two lions rushed like the wind to attack the saber-horned antelope, jumping on it, trying to defeat the prey as quickly as possible.

However, with its long horns, the antelope easily defeated the lion, it used its sharp horns to poke the two lions and make the lions run away in fear.

In the end, the wildebeest escaped death and hurriedly ran back to the herd, while the two lions were injured after the battle and left to look for another target.



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