Maternal Sacrifice: Mother Gaur’s Heroic Battle with Ferocious Tiger, Using Sharp Horns to Defend and Save Baby Gaur


In the wild, Bengal tigers are pure carnivores and they hunt medium to large animals, such as wild boar, spotted deer, antelope, gaur, buffalo. ..

Bengal tigers kill their prey by overpowering them and severing the spinal cord (preferred method for small prey), or using a choking neck bite for large prey.

In the clip, a Bengal tiger is attacking an Indian bull. Witnessing this scene, another cow rushed to attack the hunter to rescue his fellow. Seeing the bull rushing, the tiger immediately let go of its prey and ran away.

However, instead of ramming the predator, the bull butts its own kind. The impact was so strong that the bull in distress was thrown high and fell to the ground.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the tiger immediately rushed to bite the throat to not give the prey a chance to protest. As a result, the ill-fated cow became a meal for the tiger.

A fierce battle between fearsome species in the jungle area where the tiger is the king of the king of the jungle. Even large animals still cannot escape death from bloodthirsty tigers.


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