Desperate Elevation: Lion’s Daring Tree Escape from Ruthless Buffalo Herd Pursuit


With sharp claws like knives, extremely strong teeth and a supple body, unparalleled strength, at the top of the food chain, the lion truly deserves the nickname “King of all species”. Where there are lions appear, where other animals must be afraid, avoid if they do not want to lose their lives. With just a little opening, they can become a lion’s meal in a jiffy.


However, lions are not always successful in hunting, these images surprise us, a scared lion has to climb a high tree to escape the pursuit of buffaloes.

Buffaloes are herbivorous animals, normally seem gentle, even “easy to bully”, but when “infuriated”, they are also very scary, with powerful, sharp, curved horns ready to stab pierce the body of the lion, not play.

Suddenly the buffaloes noticed the presence of lions. The biggest and strongest buffalo ran like flying towards the lions. Three of them ran away, and the fourth was surrounded by angry buffaloes and could not escape. Finally, it saw a lone tree in the middle of a large grassland and climbed there to hide from the pursuit of the big strong buffalo.

Reportedly, this lion was stuck in a tree for an hour in an uncomfortable position.


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