Epic Showdown: Hippo Fends Off 3 Male Lions with Mighty Force


Hippos are large animals, ranking as the third largest land mammal today, after elephants and white rhinos. They can reach 3.3 to 5 m in length and up to 1.6 m at the shoulder. The average female weighs about 1,400 kg, while the male weighs between 1,600 and 4,500 kg.

Hippos are one of the most aggressive creatures in the world and are often seen as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa as well as in the world. Hippos are especially aggressive when it comes to trespassing their territory and touching their offspring.

Usually lions and hippos rarely clash because their territories are different. Besides, the power of hippo also always scares other animals in Africa.


The attack was recorded by Jon Leman in a private reserve sandwiched between the Okavango Delta and the Linyanti River. In the video, three male lions are trying to swim across a river when they are discovered by hippos and rush to chase them away. When caught up by a hippopotamus, one of the lions immediately changed course, leaving its fellow to confront the enemy.

With its large jaws, the hippopotamus opened its mouth to attack the nearest lion, causing the opponent to rush to flee. Seeing the threat of retreat, the hippopotamus also fled in the other direction.



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