Heartbreaking Moment: Mother Buffalo Accidentally Injures Baby During Terrifying Wolf Attack


A dramatic moment was captured in Kruger National Park (South Africa), when two wildebeest mother and daughter struggled to survive amid a siege by two wolves.

Realizing that the baby antelope was weak, unable to walk firmly on its four legs, the two wolves continuously attacked from many directions, aiming to take their prey’s life.


Fortunately, the mother antelope was also present at the battle, showing fierce and strong resistance in the midst of the encirclement, making the two predators extremely hard.

However, as time went on, the mother and daughter antelope began to lose their advantage. Every time the mother gazelle attacks a wolf, the other will sneak up from behind and try to attack the baby antelope. At one point, they were able to bite the neck, calves, and abdomen of the ill-fated animal.

The mother antelope also gradually became tired, and lost her composure at the persistence of the predator. In a moment, when she saw the baby antelope being bitten and dragged away, the mother antelope rushed forward very hard, but accidentally hit the baby antelope.

The impact caused the baby antelope to be lifted, before falling back to the ground. The ill-fated animal appeared to have been severely injured, and could not sit up.

but in the end, the mother and the baby antelope still survived the attack of the two wolves.


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