Battle of Predators: Lion’s Unexpected Encounter with River’s Cunning Crocodile


The lion and the crocodile are known as the two rulers of the steppe and the water. On the green steppe, the lion is always considered the most fearsome predator because of the large figure with sharp claws and teeth. Not inferior to the large figure with sharp claws and teeth, the crocodiles also have the most fearsome predators with sharp claws and teeth so that when hunting it easily defeats its prey.

In this video, 2 lions are intimidating to cross the river, it seems that it also discovered something unsafe, has sharp and sturdy teeth so that when hunting it easily defeats its prey.

But after thinking for a while, they decided to cross the river, at the same time, the crocodiles also seemed not to stay still, it seems that it also has sharp and sturdy teeth so that when hunting it easily defeats its prey.


It was thought that he could cross the river safely, but the crocodiles also have sharp and sturdy teeth so that when hunting it easily defeats its prey.

It was thoughtful that he could cross the river safely, but the crocodiles also have sharp and sturdy teeth so that when hunting it easily defeats its prey.

But fortunately for the other lion, although it was still attached by a crocodile, it was very tenacious, stubborn, and steadfast that when hunting it easily defeats its prey. Tears.


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