Jungle’s Horror: Hyena’s Unforgiving Bite Leaves Lion’s Fate Sealed.


While visiting South Luangwa National Park with her friends in Zambia, It Teacher Verna Poorbaugh happened to capture an extraordinary scene in the wild. It was the scene of a hyena biting off the head of a lioness.

According to It Teacher Verna Poorbaugh, when witnessing this scene, he and his friends had to “stand up” before the cruelty in the wildlife world.


However, the ranger who led the delegation explained that it was likely that this ill-fated lioness was quite old and weak before confronting the hyenas.

Because, the hyena has almost no chance of killing the “lord of the grasslands” in the wild.

Become a hyena, the hyena has almost no chance of killing the “lord of the grasslands” in the position.


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