“Unyielding Love: Mother Hippo’s Agonizing Struggle to Defend Her Baby from a Lion”


In the wild world and nature reserves there are always surprises happening every day and can be a combination of many surprises at once. A hippo can hardly be defeated by a lion but a battle where a lion can take down two hippos at the same time is truly unbelievable.

Amazing video was recorded and uploaded to youtube of a daring hunt of lions as they determined to hunt a mother hippo with her newborn baby.

Two hippo mother and daughter accidentally got lost in the lion’s trap and unfortunately became their prey when they were very hungry and lazy to hunt. The lions quickly rushed to attack the mother hippo and caused the mother hippo to suffer a lot of injuries on her body.


After attacking and getting quite tired they continued to rest nearby. The mother hippo is almost unable to run away and is losing a lot of blood from her wounds.

After resting the lions resumed the fight and this time the mother hippo had no chance to survive. The baby hippo only knows how to hang out near its mother and then also become a meal for the lion.

The sad video has reached 22m views along with many mourners leaving comments on Youtube. More than 8.9 thousand people have left their comments on this heartbreaking video.

Life is harsh and full of suffering for those who have seen this video but cheer up because life is full of good things.


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