“Jaws of Danger: Lion’s Ambush on Baby Hippo Leads to a Mother’s Pursuit”


In the video recorded in Africa, lions and hippos also gather in small groups along the river. They come here with the same purpose to drink water to cool down the hot day sun. But that is also the origin of the story.

A lioness seems to be very hungry, so she doesn’t pay much attention to her surroundings, she stalks and suddenly attacks a baby hippo. That would seem normal if it wasn’t surrounded by countless other giant hippos!

Any animal, even the gentlest herbivore, will fight hard if their children are in danger, not to mention, hippos are huge in size and extremely hot-tempered. Infringing on their territory sometimes also costs them their lives, not to mention trying to eat baby hippos.


As a result, the lone lion not only couldn’t get anything to eat, but also encountered a storm. If it didn’t run fast, it would most likely have died before the giant jaws of the mother hippo.


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