“When Prey Strikes Back: Buffalo’s Dominant Kick Stuns the Lion”


The African buffalo is a large species of cattle in Africa. Mature buffalo horns are typical of the species, the pair of horns fused at the corner base, forming a continuous bony shield known as a “hump”. Buffaloes are considered a very fierce animal, can move at speeds of 50–60 km/h and they gore and kill more than 200 people every year.

Video recorded in Kruger National Park, South Africa shows a spectacular chase between wild buffalo and a herd of lions. Initially, the wild buffalo roamed near a lake. The herd of 14 lions hid in the grass waiting for the right opportunity. When the prey gets close enough, the lions rush to attack in an instant.


As the buffalo began to move towards the lake, the 3 lionesses closest to the prey were preparing for action.

But buffalo is also not easy to bully, it just runs fast and throws a dangerous kick towards the opponent. The lion tried to get to the buffalo, receiving two dangerous kicks and in the end, the buffalo successfully escaped.


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