“Life’s Simple Pleasures: Buffalo’s Happy Moments in the Mud”


A normally fierce buffalo bull decides to display his more playful side when he rolls about in a mud puddle on the banks of the river.

An entrepreneur with multiple businesses, Janke Eagar, had visitors from Ireland. She decided to take them on a safari in Kruger National Park, where they were able to witness this playful buffalo. She shared the footage and story with LatestSightings.com.

“Despite recent floods, we were determined to show our visitors the beauty of our country. We usually drive down the sand roads for the best sightings, but this time we had to stick to the tar road. The river road between Skukuza and Lower Sabie ended up being our road of choice.”

“It was a quiet game viewing day, and we were just about to give up hope of seeing anything exciting when I spotted a huge buffalo. I quickly got my phone out and started recording. This incredible creature, whom we later named Mr. D, was having the time of his life by rolling in the mud and tossing it in the air.


Buffalo bulls are often referred to as “Dagga boys” because they have a habit of rolling around in mud and clay, known as “dagga” in some African countries. This behavior helps them cool off and protect themselves from insects and other parasites. As a result, their thick hides become caked with dried mud, giving them a distinct appearance and odor.

“We watched in awe. Despite the chaos and flooding around us, Mr. D was enjoying himself without a care in the world. He stood out from the other buffaloes we had seen before. He was not short-tempered nor aggressive but rather playful and full of energy.”

“We sat and watched Mr. D for 30 minutes, wondering what was going through his mind. It was a rare sighting for us in our 16 years of game viewing. We had always known buffalo to be angry and serious creatures. This buffalo really changed our perspective towards buffalo and a new found appreciation for one of Africa’s deadliest”



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