Predators in Peril: Leopards and Lions Battle Porcupines, Face Consequences


Hedgehogs are slow-moving rodents with sharp spines on their backs. Hedgehogs use sharp spikes to protect themselves and attack predators such as lions, leopards, jaguars, …

A video below captures an interesting scene when a lion and a jaguar both attack and try to kill the hedgehog family for lunch.

Specifically, a mother hedgehog is leading 2 small cubs on the road, followed by the father. Just then, a leopard appeared and attacked the hedgehog family.

Instead of running away, the father and mother hedgehog used their bodies to protect and protect their two young children. They work together, using sharp spikes to launch at the leopard making it impossible for the leopard to attack.


The leopard was stabbed by hundreds of porcupine thorns, it was extremely painful and took advantage of that opportunity, the hedgehog family escaped.

However, after a while, a group of lions appeared to attack the hedgehog family. Similar to the previous leopard, the lion was also attacked by porcupines continuously and also had hundreds of thorns stuck to his face.

After a while of failure, the lions finally abandoned the hedgehog and went to find another target for themselves.


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