Chick Drama: Lizard’s Theft Backfires as Hen Delivers Merciless Retaliation


Mothers in the animal world will suddenly become braver and stronger than ever when they see their babies in danger. A tiny lizard received a terrible attack while attacking a chick.

A lizard is hunting and accidentally comes across a flock of newly hatched chicks looking for food. At this moment the lizard is dreaming of a hearty meal of chicken and decides to attack a nearby chick.

In terms of size, the chicks are larger than the hunter, but because they are so immature, the chicks are quickly overcome by the lizard and cannot run away.


Realizing the danger of the lizard, the hen quickly came to the scene and executed terrible attacks on the lizard.

The lizard still refused to give in and still tried to fulfill its dream. In the end, the hen successfully saved her chicks and the failed lizard had no other chance to get herself a good meal.


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