Desperate to attack rhinoceros three lions must pay dearly for their foolish deeds


An intense fight took place unexpectedly when 3 lions decided to attack an adult rhinoceros and the results that 3 lions received were completely unexpected.

A pregnant rhinoceros got stuck in a waterhole and stayed there for quite some time. The rhino is slowly exhausted and helpless to get out of the water hole.

Realizing that the great opportunity has come, the 3 lions come close and want to eat the rhinoceros meat. The rhinoceros was quite large and stuck its hind legs in the mud.
3 lions surrounded by rhinos but could not attack. Rhino chases a lion and finds a way out.


A lion ventured onto the rhino’s back and started the fight. But it was too late when the rhino was freed and attacked the lion immediately.
3 lions were chased away by the rhinoceros from the waterhole and received a valuable lesson.


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