The hippo performed a super classic trick with a crocodile to steal a delicious piece of bait


The animals that live in the rivers are always the enemies of the herbivores. Crocodile is a scarier species than hippopotamus in the river but hippo is always the winner of crocodiles in survival battles.
A video that is going viral on youtube tells of an extremely fierce hunt that includes both hippos and crocodiles. 3 hippo

In the video, a herd of cows is drinking water in a large river, these cows have also detected the presence of crocodiles and are very careful.
But the crocodile knows how to hunt and hide in the water, it approached its prey and caught a white cow to the surprise of the whole herd.


Crocodile successfully knocked down the bull and brought it to the middle of the line. The crocodiles were eating beef when the hippo appeared and joined the party.
One hippopotamus rushed over and followed by two other hippos. 3 hippos want to monopolize the meal and drive all the crocodiles away from their prey.
The hippo with its huge body soon the cow was completely digested and the crocodile couldn’t do anything more.


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