Despise the leopard wildebeest to hunt the wildebeest and receive a fatal blow from the mother


Discovering the baby antelope walking with its mother, the leopard suddenly attacked. The appearance of leopards caused both mother and baby wildebeest to run away in panic. However, seeing that the baby was being chased, the mother wildebeest immediately turned around and used her horns to knock the leopard away and scared it to give up.

Leopards, commonly known as Leopards (Panthera pardus) are one of four species of big cats of the genus Panthera that live in Africa and Asia (Other big cats are the lion, tiger, and jaguar.) from 1 to nearly 2 meters long, weighing from 30 to 90 kg.


Their lifestyle and food are different from other giant cats. They have the ability to hunt in trees as well as on the ground, they eat from small animals such as insects, rodents, fish to larger animals such as cattle, deer, antelope, wild boar.

Leopards even hunt dogs, so dog owners in leopard-infested areas are often wise to keep them in kennels for their safety as leopards are known to be dog-eaters and readily available. willing to recklessly storm into people’s houses to kill pet dogs. They climb very well and usually hide their prey in trees.


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