Hungry lion hunts zebras in a life-and-death battle: Zebras are determined not to fall before their sworn enemies


Lions have been known from ancient times to now as predators possessing extremely fast speed, on top of that, it is one of the animals that scare all animals, wild zebras are also the favorite species. Possessing super fast running speed, what will happen when these two sworn enemies chase ????

A wild lion is hunting in the jungle area. While walking through a field, the lion saw a herd of horses roaming. It tries to approach and choose a zebra as its prey.

The wild lion ran fast and attacked the zebra in the middle of the herd. After a few minutes of chasing, the lion caught the zebra. But the lion didn’t realize that the horse had a daring plan to get rid of it.


While the lion was gripping the prey, the zebra suddenly kicked the lion in the stomach. The lion lost his balance and the zebra took advantage of this opportunity to escape. The lion chased but failed to catch the prey.

This proved that in the wild, even weaker animals can defeat ferocious beasts like wild lions. This chase also shows that sometimes vigilance and focus are both important to achieving a goal.


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