The stupid elephant attacked the buffalo and ended up flying into the air to breathe in the air


Against an opponent who had no advantage in strength, the buffalo easily used its horns to attack and knock the elephant off the ground.

The attack was recorded in Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa. A wild buffalo with large horns appeared to drink water in an area where a herd of elephants was gathered.

While the other adult elephants seemed to pay little attention to the presence of this friend, one of the young elephants in the herd stepped forward and decided to attack, hoping to frighten the buffalo away. go away.

However, in front of an opponent more than twice the size, the elephant was quickly cornered. The buffalo uses its horns and strength to push the baby elephant back.


Not long after the decision to confront, the elephant was flung into the air before falling to the ground.

After the fall, the elephant got up and was attacked again.

The battle ended when the baby elephant lay motionless on the grass. It was injured and spent the next day hiding behind its mother.

During the confrontation between two unequal opponents, the nearby herd of adult elephants did not intervene. According to Conrad Cramee, a local guide, the elephants seem to want to give the baby elephants a lesson to adapt to their habitat in the wild.



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