Think the prey is easy to bully the lion to attack the giraffe alone and get a lasting result


Giraffe is a special animal, recorded as the tallest mammal in the world thanks to its long legs and tall neck. This herbivore lives mainly in deserts, open forests, savannas and is found almost exclusively in Africa.

With their huge body and high nutritional content, giraffes often face predators such as lions, wild dogs or hyenas. To deal with these predators, giraffes often run away if given the opportunity or else will use their long, strong front legs to attack.

A life-and-death battle between a lion and a giraffe was recorded in the African desert. Specifically, while wandering along a dry riverbed in the middle of the Namib Rand desert in Namibia, the lions suddenly discovered a giraffe grazing alone. Realizing the opportunity came, the lionesses were determined to turn the giraffe into a meal.


Immediately afterwards, the hunters sprinted across the river bed and chased the giraffes toward a large clearing, where the lion leader was patiently waiting to take the life of the prey.

Seeing the giraffe just approaching, the lioness jumped up, trying to cling to the neck and pinning her opponent to the ground. However, the lion’s missed pounce fell right in the range of the prey’s movement and as a result it was trampled by the giraffe continuously.


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