Seeing a duck invade his territory, a hawk swooped down and drowned the duck


The hunter used his claws to cut off the head of the duck, then it plunged the duck’s head into the water. Despite the duck’s struggle, the hunter was determined not to let the duck raise its head out of the water.

Originally a notorious bird of prey, the sight of a hawk drowning ducks like this is rarely seen. After realizing that the duck was no longer able to resist, the falcon began to pluck feathers with its beak, tearing the prey on the spot.


This carnivorous hawk has short, wide wings and a long tail that allows it to move through trees with ease. This species breeds in southern Asia, from India and Sri Lanka to southern China, Indonesia and the Philippines.

They mainly live in the lowlands and settle all year round. This bird builds nests in trees and lays 2-3 eggs in each spawning. They hunt birds, mammals and reptiles.


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