With the belligerent instincts inherent in hippos constantly angering crocodiles and the ending couldn’t be more surprising


Hippos are semi-aquatic, semi-terrestrial, inhabiting the rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps of West Africa where males dominate a section of river and lead herds of 5 to 30 females and calves. young. During the day, they maintain their cool by soaking in water or mud; and spawning also takes place in water. They come ashore at night to eat grass. Although hippos rest close together in the water, foraging is a solitary and non-territorial activity.

In Africa, hippopotamus is one of the dangerous animals. This breed is highly territorial, so it hates to be disturbed. There have been many recorded cases of hippos attacking human boats because they accidentally entered the territory they occupied. If they feel bothered, hippos are ready to attack both lions and crocodiles. Possessing a “bulky” body, hippos still easily reach a speed of 32 km / h when chasing enemies.


The hippo decided to play with the sleeping crocodile, causing it to hide in the water. After that, the baby hippopotamus continued to tease the nearby buffalo. But the result was not as it expected, the buffalo returned to attack the hippo, causing it to run away in fear.

Rainer Mauthe, 44, from Germany, captured the paradoxical scene when he and his friends visited Kruger National Park in South Africa, Africa’s largest wildlife reserve.

As shared by the owner of the clip, when his group stopped the car near the Dawn Dam in Kruger National Park, they saw many crocodiles resting on the riverbank. At that moment, a young hippo emerged from the water, plunging into the middle of the crocodiles, teasing this one, attacking the other.


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